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One-year Postdoc Scholarship on "Computatio ... (No replies)

7 years ago
Lilia 7 years ago

A one-year Postdoc scholarship is available in the Quantum Material Modelling Group at the Physics Department, Universita’ Sapienza, starting in the Fall/Winter 2018, to work on a project on “Computational prediction of new high-Tc conventional superconductors”.

The project involves the search for new superconducting materials using ab-initio methods for electronic structure and crystal structure prediction and machine learning. The successful candidate holds a PhD in Physics or Material Science, and has a previous knowledge of DFT and/or machine learning.

Interested candidates should send a short motivation letter, a cv (max 2 pages), a list of publications, and the names of two possible references to: [email protected].

The deadline for applications is September, 8th 2018.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials