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One PhD-position in Theoretical/Computational Ch ... (No replies)

5 years ago
TlaCour 5 years ago

One PhD-position in Theoretical/Computational Chemistry/Physics

Within the project “Elucidating the Ultrafast Excitation Energy Transport Network of Photosynthetic Machineries”, one PhD position is available at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) in close collaboration with Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). The aim of the project is to develop fundamental insight in the energy transport processes fundamental to photosynthesis, which is currently a topic of great interest in the Physical Chemistry community. The PhD student will be enrolled in the Groningen Graduate School of Science and spend three years in Groningen and one year in Singapore during the project. The PhD will receive a dual degree from University of Groningen and Nanyang Technological University.

Details in attached pdf

Information and application

Please send your application including an application/motivation letter, emphasizing your specific interest and motivation to apply for this position, a detailed CV, contact details of at least 2 referees, and an academic transcript of B.Sc. and M.Sc. education. A TOEFL, IELTS score or other documentation to verify sufficient mastering of the English language. An onsite interview will be part of the selection procedure.

Send the application package to:
Thomas la Cour Jansen ([email protected]) Review of applications will start 13st of December.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials