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One PhD position at the University of Luxembourg ... (No replies)

6 years ago
dmitfed74 6 years ago

One PhD position is available in the group for Theoretical Chemical Physics (TCP,
led by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko in the Physics and Materials Science (PhyMS) Department at the University of Luxembourg (

The successful candidate will join a strong and highly-motivated international research team with an excellent funding track-record in competitive national, international and European grants, including the recently funded European Research Council Consolidator Grant "Beyond Static Molecules: Modeling Quantum Fluctuations in Complex Molecular Environments". Our interests are related to studies of biomolecules, molecular crystals, nanostructures, and organic/inorganic interfaces, in order to facilitate desirable practical applications for nanotechnology, catalysis, energy storage and transport, drug discovery, and food industry.

The PhD work will be concentrated on the topic "Unified van der Waals functionals for modeling molecules and materials". The aim is to develop increasingly reliable methods for modeling non-covalent interactions in both molecular systems and solid materials. The student will have also an opportunity to participate in other scientific topics in the group. They range from machine learning approaches for describing molecular potential-energy surfaces, development of improved quantum methods for large systems, path-integral approaches to nuclear quantum effects, and synergies between these methods to interpret puzzling experimental observations and predict new phenomena in complex systems.

Luxembourg is a small European country with a very high quality of living and is bordered by France, Belgium, and Germany. The University of Luxembourg is a young, dynamic, and well-funded university and is rapidly growing in international rankings. Besides excellent conditions for study and research, there are many other nice opportunities for students related to the social, cultural, and sporting life.

The position is open to strong applicants with backgrounds in physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, and/or multidisciplinary background. UL and PhyMS strive to increase the share of female PhD students. Therefore, we explicitly encourage women to apply. We offer competitive salary and attractive working environment in one of the most enjoyable European cities (

For more information and applications contact:

Prof. Dr. Alexandre Tkatchenko ([email protected])

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials