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One PhD position at IMDEA Energy institute (Most ... (No replies)

7 years ago
amavrant 7 years ago

One PhD position is available immediately at the IMDEA Energy institute in Mostoles, Madrid, Spain.

The successful candidate will perform research on electrochemical energy problems by applying  computational chemistry techniques. The work will be in close collaboration with experimental partners at the Electrochemical Processes Unit in IMDEA Energy institute.

The Institute IMDEA Energy is a Research Centre created by the Regional Government of “Comunidad de Madrid” to develop world-class R&D on clean and renewable energy. The ultimate goal of the Institute IMDEA Energy is to achieve outstanding scientific and technological contributions in the creation of a sustainable energy system. The aim of the Institute is to make a significant impact in all energy-related research topics by bringing together high quality researchers, providing them with excellent infrastructures and resources and promoting their close collaboration with the industrial sector.

Your Tasks:

  • Application of Computational chemistry techniques (Density Functional Theory - DFT, wavefunction theory & Molecular Dynamics) for:
    • The calculation of redox potentials, solubilities and stabilities of redox-active molecules in various solvents.
    • Modelling electrochemical reactions (oxygen evolution reaction and oxygen reduction reaction).
    • Identifying structure-activity relationships.
  • Perform electrochemical measurements. (the researcher will also get training to design and perform electrochemical measurements)

Your Qualification, Experience and Skills:

  • Compulsory:
    • Degree in Chemistry, Material Science, or Chemical Engineering, or equivalent.
    • Master Degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science or equivalent.
    • Fluent oral and written communication skills in English (working language will be English).
  • Recommended:
    • Knowledge and experience of theoretical/computational chemistry and electrochemistry.
    • Knowledge of UNIX-based environments.
    • Programming or scripting skills (fortran, perl, python,…).

Starting Date: April.

Duration: Up to 4 years. Initially, one year appointment with annual renewals depending on performance.

Reference: 2017-T1/AMB-5264 (18.07.EQ4 PRE)

For further information contact: Dr. Andreas Mavrantonakis,

E-mail: [email protected]

Applicants should send their Curriculum Vitae, contact details of at least 2 people that can provide references, cover letter, and student records with the average marks obtained, before March 01st at 15:00h to the following address:

                                                   email: [email protected]

                                    Subject: Reference 2017-T1/AMB-5264 (18.07.EQ4 PRE)


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials