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One PhD and two Postdoc positions in Molecular I ... (No replies)

Leon Petit
6 years ago
Leon Petit 6 years ago

One PhD and two Postdoc positions in Molecular Inorganic and Computational Chemistry

PhD position in molecular inorganic chemistry (deadline 30 June 2019).
Postdoc position in molecular inorganic chemistry (deadline 12 April 2019)
Postdoc position in applied computation chemistry (deadline 31 March 2019).

The Saarland University invites applications to fill one PhD position and two postdoctoral Research Associated position in the molecular inorganic and applied computational chemistry areas.

Tasks include scientific services in research, teaching and support internships as well as the handling of a particular research project in the workgroup of Dr. Diego Andrada. The group of Andrada is interested in the design of innovative inorganic molecules by the use of experimental and computational chemistry tools in tandem. The selected candidate will join a young group and will have the opportunity of participating in the development of novel approaches for main group chemistry with potential application in the manufacture of semiconductors. The project will involve collaborations and it is related to the ERC Starting Grant (805113).

For further information on the project and the candidate requirements for each position, please visit our webpage news:

Potential applicants are also advised to directly contact Dr. Diego M. Andrada ([email protected] ) for additional details.

Application procedure:

You should submit your completed application electronically to Dr. Diego M. Andrada ([email protected]) including:

1-      Motivation Letter
2-      Curriculum Vitae
3-      Contact details of two references

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials