Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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One Ph. D position is available at Department of ... (No replies)
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We are currently working on 2D materials using density functional theory. In our lab, we are looking for one Ph.D candidate who is interested in the following topics
Preference will be give to a candidate who has experience in the 1) temperature dependent magnetic property, 2) spin dynamics using DFT method, 3) spin Seebeck calculations
-Master in Physics, Material Sciences, or Chemistry
- Should have knowledge in DFT methods; VASP, Siesta, FLAPW, WIEK2K, etc
Place; Department of Physics, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea
Starting: Sep 1. 2019
Application due: 30/Jun/2019
send me your CV and publication
contact; [email protected]