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One or two postdoctoral scholarships in computa ... (No replies)

5 years ago
igorz 5 years ago

One or two postdoctoral scholarships
in computational studies of conducting and biopolymers at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics, Linköping University (Campus Norrköping)

One or two postdoctoral scholarships in computational studies of conducting and biopolymers is available at Linköping University, Sweden. The position is based at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics (LOE),, belonging to the Department of Science and Technology, at the university’s Norrköping Campus. The LOE is renowned for its world-leading research on electronic and optical devices based on organic materials. Its primary theme involves the coupling of ions and electrons as signal carriers for applications in organic bioelectronics, printed electronics, organic energy and electrochemical devices, and nanooptics. Currently, the research staff of the Laboratory includes more than 100 researchers (professors, senior and junior scientists and PhD students), see for detail.


Background and duties:

Among all organic materials conducting polymers have become the material of choice for many electronic and bioelectronic devices including OLED, photovoltaic cells, energy storage devices, ionic and electrochemical transistors, and many others. Recently, novel organic composite materials based on blends of conducing polymers and biopolymers such as cellulose have been developed in our Laboratory. They represent excellent mixed electronic-ionic conductors showing record-high electronic and ionic conductivities, and can be used as active basic components in “green” and recyclable power and energy storage devices such as supercapacitors, batteries and fuel cells. Polymer/cellulose composites have also demonstrated their potential as an adsorbing agent for water purifications from toxic heavy atoms and ions.

An experimental progress and development of the above materials and devices is difficult without fundamental understanding of the basic material properties and device functionalities. The main aim of the research project will be to computationally explore the morphological, structural, interfacial and electronic properties of conducting and biopolymers and their composites. The research project can also include studies of water infiltration and diffusion in polymer/cellulose composites as well as studies of the diffusion and absorption of heavy atoms and ions in this material. Computational methods will include molecular dynamics (MD) simulations as well as the DFT simulations. One of directions of the research can be investigation and optimization of performance and functionality of devices based on conductive and biopolymers, which would require utilization of COMSOL Multiphysics modelling software.  The theoretical studies will be performed in the Theory and Modelling group under supervision of Prof. Igor Zozoulenko and Assoc. Prof. Mathieu Linares, with strong interaction with the theory and experiment in the Organic Electrodics group under supervision of Dr. Viktor Gueskine, as well as with other experimental groups at the Laboratory of Organics Electronics.


Qualifications and requirements to applicants:

  • The applicant must have or be about to receive a doctoral degree in a subject relevant to the research project (e.g. physics, material science, physical or theoretical chemistry, etc.) and needs to be passionate about research. Problem solving ability and creativity, as well as the ability to work independently are essential. Another prerequisite is experience with MD simulations as well as DFT calculations. Good skills in programming/scripting is highly desirable. Experience with COMSOL Multiphysics modelling software can be a bonus.

  • scholarship may be granted only to non-Swedish citizens with a PhD or equivalent acquired in another country than Sweden. The applicant could not have been employed by Linköping university previously.


Starting date 
Winter 2019/2020.


Appointment and Conditions:

  • Appointment is initially for one year with a possibility of an extension for the second year depending on a mutual agreement. The scholarship amounts to SEK25000:-/month (tax-free) (~€2500/month). Economy class travel to/from Sweden will be covered. Funding can be available to participate in conferences. More details about the fellowship can be found at  


Application procedure:

The following documents (in pdf-format) must be submitted when applying for a scholarship

  • Cover letter (1- 2 pages describing your background and your interest in this position)

  • Curriculum vitae, max 2 pages, including at least two references that we can contact

  • List of publications

  • Statement of Research Interests, max 2 pages

  • Copy of PhD diploma

The application should be sent electronically to Prof. Igor Zozoulenko [email protected] and a copy to [email protected]. Mark your application with reference number Dnr: ITN-2019-00260 in the e-mail subject field.


The review of applicants will start immediately and will continue until the position is filled. A formal deadline  for application is 10 October 2019.



Prof. Igor Zozoulenko, [email protected]

HR-partners [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials