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NSF funded postdoc - CSUN - high pressure materi ... (No replies)

6 years ago
miaoms 6 years ago

One postdoc position at California State University Northridge is open in the areas of first principles study of materials and novel chemistry under high pressure. The position is initially for one year and can be extended for another 2-3 years based on the research performance and mutual interest. Please check our website for details of research interests (

Requirement: obtained or will soon obtain a Ph. D in the areas of theoretical and computational condensed matter physics, theoretical chmeistry or computational materials science; has strong background and working experience in first-principles calculation of solid-state materials and crystal structure search; provides evidence of well-received original research work.

Besides the above requirements, the following qualities will be highly valued in view of the future accomplishment: ability of conducting research work independently, interest and determination in doing research work at the application side of computational solid-state physics and materials science, good communication ability and fair skills in writing and drafting reports and manuscripts in English.

If interested, please send your CV, two recommendation letters (directly), and an application letter containing a brief description of your research interest and achievement to [email protected].

If you are interested at the position and plan to attend the APS March meeting at Boston, please contact me and we can arrange a brief meeting. 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials