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Next Gen. Quantum Theory Developments for Photod ... (No replies)

4 months ago
Alireza.Lashkari 4 months ago

Job Alert! /Ph.D. Candidates for MRSF-TDDFT

TITLE: Next Gen. Quantum Theory Developments for Photodynamic Simulations

TOPICS: Improvements of MRSF-TDDFT and Nonadiabatic Dynamics Simulations on Photo-biology

DESCRIPTION: Ph.D. Candidates

LOCATION: Theoretical Chemistry Group at Kyungpook National University, South Korea (

CONTACTS: Cheol Ho Choi [email protected]

CONTEXT: We are looking for candidates who have a keen interest in either method development or excited state dynamics simulations. These roles will entail collaborating with a passionate team dedicated to creating and integrating innovative computational methodologies for mixed-reference spin-flip (MRSF)-TDDFT within the context of the "Open Quantum Platform," the next-generation quantum software. For additional information, please visit Our project team focuses on developing, validating, and implementing new approaches for handling excited state dynamics and addressing strong electron correlation in molecules and solids.

CANDIDATE’S PROFILE: The ideal candidate should possess substantial experience in Quantum Chemistry/Physics or a related field. Essential qualifications include proficiency in programming and/or scientific applications. Collaborative abilities are crucial, along with a high degree of self-reliance.
All interested candidates are encouraged to apply, regardless or their personal background.

HOW TO APPLY: Qualified applicants should email an expression of interest, including CV, list of publication and names of two referees to Cheol Ho Choi ([email protected] ). The applications will be considered as they appear until the position is filed.

SOUTH KOREA: Working in South Korea offers opportunities for a good work-life balance. English Is widely spoken, though korean is the main language off the campus.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials