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New PhD position in Multiscale Materials and Dev ... (No replies)
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PhD position in Multiscale Materials and Device Modeling at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
A PhD (fully funded for three years) is available within the group led by prof. Luca Larcher, at the Department of Science and Methods for Engineering of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The group focuses on the multiscale modeling and simulation of charge and ionic transport and material degradation for emerging electronic device applications, i.e. memories (DRAM, RRAM, FeRAM) and neuromorphic computing.
The PhD project is part of a joint project with Prof. Alexander Shluger, from the Department of Physics and Astronomy of UCL, focused on modelling properties of amorphous oxide films and their interfaces with electrodes.
The scope of the project is to develop a novel multiscale modeling and simulation methodology combining first-principles calculation of electronic structure and energies of defects in amorphous materials and at their interfaces with device level simulations ( predicting the impact of defect on the final performances and reliability of novel electron devices.
This unique modeling framework will be applied to study and design next generation electronic devices comprised of multiple layers of amorphous oxides proposed for novel memory and neuromorphic computing applications. Particular focus will be on advancement of the understanding of the microscopic mechanisms governing the ion/vacancy generation and diffusion in highly sub-stoichiometric amorphous materials and their interaction with the electronic transport in strong electric fields. For the device level simulations, we will develop and use the Ginestra simulation platform (, which will incorporate the key material and defects properties calculated using Density Functional Theory simulations.
We are looking for a candidate with
Appointment and Salary
For the PhD candidate we offer:
More information about the academic content of the project as well as general questions can be obtained from by sending an email to Prof. Luca Larcher, e-mail [email protected].
To apply, please contact Prof. Luca Larcher by sending your cover letter, curriculum vitae and other relevant documents (e.g. papers) via e-mail [email protected].