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Multiscale Modeling for the Optimization of the ... (No replies)

4 years ago
AAFranco 4 years ago

In the context of the world-class DESTINY PhD programme ( supported and co-funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND PhD Programme, we are proposing a PhD thesis project together with UMICORE company (co-funder of the PhD thesis) on the field of multiscale modeling of manufacturing and interfaces in Solid State Batteries (Topic #3 in the DESTINY webpage: This PhD has two objectives.

- It first aims at developing a reliable and experimental validated time-dependent three-dimensional model able to predict the impact of manufacturing parameters (calendering pressure and temperature) on the SSB composite electrode mesostructure. Such a model will be based on the Discrete Element Method (DEM), accounting for mechanical interactions between the SSBs active material, electrolyte and additive particles upon calendering. It will allow at gaining insights about the influence of the manufacturing parameters (e.g. calendering pressure and speed) on the interfaces ‘development between the constituent materials (active material, electrolyte, additives). It will also allow to predict the impact of composition, particle size and shape on the final electrode mesostructures. The DEM model will be experimentally-validated through descriptors such as the composite electrode conductivities and mechanical properties (measured by micro-indentation).

- The second aim is to incorporate the calculated electrode mesostructures into a performance model allowing to spatially resolve the influence of the interfaces’ localization on the overall electrochemical responses. The latter will be validated on the basis of  electrochemical experiments. Such integration of the predicted electrode mesostructures into the performance simulator falls into a "sequential linking" multiscale modeling strategy (output of the first model constitutes the input of the second model).

Ultimately, the experimentally-validated computational strategy developed in this PhD thesis should be able to provide guidelines for processing optimization for maximizing the right interfaces between the composite electrode constituent materials. Secondment will take in UMICORE for 3 months where the Ph.D student will synthetize materials and prepare electrodes to be tested in the PhD.

Candidate requirements

The candidates must hold (or be about to receive) a Master's degree in chemistry, materials science, physics, electrochemical engineering or related area, and have excellent English skills. The successful candidates will have an excellent academic track record and shall be creative and highly motivated. Another mandatory requirement for the position is a personal interest in computational/theoretical research. Good knowledge of batteries would also be highly desirable.


Interested applicants are encouraged to read the procedure ( for the online application, and to *also* send their application documents ( as one pdf document per e-mail to [email protected]  . Deadline for applications is January 17, 2021.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials