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Multiple Theoretical/Computational PhD Positions ... (No replies)

Can Ataca
7 years ago
Can Ataca 7 years ago

Multiple PhD positions will be open in 2018-2019 in the area of theoretical and computational material physics and quantum thermodynamics in the Department of Physics at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) in USA. Research positions entail developing new theoretical and computational tools and their real-world applications in computational materials science. 

Selected candidates will be supervised by Dr. Can Ataca and/or Dr. Sebastian Deffner and/or Dr. Jason Kestner. Dr. Ataca’s research focuses on the theoretical investigation of materials for next generation device, green energy, coating and filtration applications. His group tries to understand the physics of devices and correlated systems, as well as how materials react under extreme environments and growth/nucleation processes. On the other hand, Dr. Deffner’s research is dedicated to understanding the thermodynamics of quantum devices such as near-term quantum computers. To this end, the quantum thermodynamics group employs tools and methods from statistical physics, open quantum dynamics, quantum information theory, and optimal control theory to investigate the nonequilibrium properties of nanosystems operating far from thermal equilibrium and thereby process information.  Dr. Kestner's research is on the theory of semiconductor qubit devices, in collaboration with ongoing experimental efforts. His particular focus is on entanglement dynamics and quantum control in few-qubit systems.

Applicants who are interested in a theoretical/computational condensed matter career at a globally recognized university surrounded by many national laboratories and organizations (including NASA), are encouraged to visit department’s website ( Any questions about research areas can be directed to Dr. Can Ataca ([email protected]), Dr. Sebastian Deffner ([email protected]) and Dr. Jason Kestner ([email protected]). Applications can be submitted to ( Application deadline is January 1st, 2018.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials