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Multiple postdoctoral positions available at the ... (No replies)

7 years ago
mgovoni 7 years ago

Multiple postdoctoral positions available immediately in the group of Professor Giulia Galli at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) (

Posting #1: Method developments in electronic structure and first principles molecular dynamics: one position is available at ANL and one position is available at the University of Chicago. Ideal candidates will have a PhD in physics, chemistry or related disciplines; they will have expertise in electronic structure methods and knowledge of high performance computing. The main focus of the activity will be on method development for the study of dynamical, excited state and transport properties of materials, with participation in investigations of heterogeneous complex materials for energy and quantum information applications.

Posting #2: Code developments for analysis of atomistic and first-principles simulation results: one position is available at ANL. Ideal candidates will have a PhD in physics, chemistry, computer science or related disciplines; they will have expertise in electronic structure and molecular dynamics simulations and knowledge of high performance computing. The main focus of the activity will be on the development of a suite of analysis codes, integrated with the main codes developed within the MICCoM center (, with participation in the development of workflows and data-intensive projects.

Posting #3: First principles calculations of heterogeneous materials: one position is available at ANL and one position is available at the University of Chicago. Ideal candidates will have a PhD in physics, chemistry or related disciplines; they will have expertise in electronic structure and first principles molecular dynamics simulations, and proven record of fruitful collaborations with experimental groups. The main focus of the activity will be on functional materials for energy, including the study of catalytic processes at interfaces, and transport (electronic & thermal) in materials composed of complex building blocks.

The post-doctoral fellows will work in a vibrant environment at the Institute for Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago ( and Argonne National Laboratory (, and will collaborate with members of the Galli group ( and, depending on the project, with other groups participating in the MICCoM center ( All ANL positions will be co-supervised by Dr. Marco Govoni ( and Prof. Giulia Galli (

Applications, by email, should be sent to Prof. Giulia Galli ([email protected]). Please include a cover letter specifying which position(s) you wish to apply for, and what your main interests and goals are; include a CV in pdf format, and supply names and contact information for references (at least two; three preferred). Consideration of candidates will begin immediately.

The University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) are committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace that fosters collaborative scientific discovery and innovation. The University of Chicago and ANL encourage minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities to apply for employment. UoC & ANL consider all qualified applicants for employment without regard to age, ancestry, citizenship status, color, disability, gender, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials