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Multiple openings of PhD students and postdocs a ... (No replies)

11 months ago
qiang 11 months ago

About the Group

The Zhu’s group ( at UNC Charlotte are looking for multiple (2-4) PhD students and postdocs in computational materials science with the possible start dates in Spring/Fall 2024.  The prospective students must be enrolled by UNC-Charlotte’s PhD program in Mechanical Engineering (see for more information about the position and how to apply).


The prospective Ph.D. students will work on the computational modeling of materials to support ongoing projects at Zhu’s group ( 

Job Description: 

At UNC Charlotte, the students are expected to support multiple ongoing projects at Zhu’s group, including: 

  1. New organic materials discovery via atomistic modeling and machine learning
  2. High throughput screening of inorganic electrides and batteries
  3. Novel computational code/methodology development in crystal structure prediction and materials screening
  4. Materials informatics tool development and application

Towards the completion of a PhD degree, the students are expected to develop solid skills and expertise in both programming and materials science/mechanical engineering applications. 

How to apply: 

In the first instance, informal enquiries (accompanied with a CV and transcript) should be directed to Prof. Qiang Zhu, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA.

Email: [email protected] (Please put “Prospective PhD Student/Postdoc” in the email title.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials