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Multi-scale approach for elaborating self-assemb ... (No replies)

6 years ago
bchampag 6 years ago


A four-year PhD positionis available for a joined research project between the Université de Sherbrooke and the University of Namur, under the joined supervision of Professor Armand SOLDERA [Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Matter,] and Professor Benoît CHAMPAGNE [Namur Institute of Structured Matter, Theoretical Chemistry Lab,].


Details of the project.The project deals with the control and optimization of the optical properties of self-assembled organic nanotubes made of polypeptide units by employing multi-scale theoretical chemistry methods. The project aims at i) studying the self-assembling mechanisms, ii) rationalizing the roles of the solvent and pH on this mechanism as well as on the nanotube stability, iii) describing the spatial organization of chromophores anchored on these nanotubes, and iv) describing their optical properties as a function of the spatial distribution. 


Offer. Doctoral positions are funded for four years, in the form of renewable one-year contracts (two years supported by USherbrooke and two years by UNamur). Salaries follow the legal scale for doctoral positions in Québec (indicatively around 18 000 $CND/year Euros after taxes) and in Belgium (indicatively around 1800 Euros after taxes). The candidates should have obtained recently (no more than four years) their Master. 50% of the total PhD duration will be spent in each group. 


Requirements. Highly motivated candidates with i) a master in Theoretical/Quantum Chemistry or in related areas, ii) an expertise in scientific programming (fortran, C++, python, ...) in view of writing new codes and of modifying existing ones, iii) abilitiesto communicate (sufficient level in English combined with good pedagogical skills, knowledge of French is an asset) and to work in a team, including theoreticians but also experimentalists, while iv) an expertise in multi-scale methods is an asset.


How to apply. Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae, list of publications, cover letter explaining why you feel being the right person for this position, and a list of contact references by e-mail (in a single PDF file) to Prof. Armand SOLDERA, [email protected], and Prof. Benoît CHAMPAGNE, [email protected]. Candidates are advised to apply as early as possible. The selection process will start immediately. The contract shall begin in October-November 2019.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials