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MSCA ITN MAESTRO PhD Fellowship: Multiscale mode ... (No replies)
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EURAXESS Job Offer id: 297204
We seek applications for a 3-year PhD Fellowship.
These are fully-funded contracts of employment, with a requirement that successful candidates register for a PhD.
The European Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network MAESTRO brings together 10 academic and 7 industrial partners listed on the MAESTRO web page . MAESTRO is focused on perovskite semiconductors, shown in the last 4 years to have a major impact on solar power and potentially in displays. MAESTRO aims to make perovskite based devices commercially viable. Fifteen Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), employed by MAESTRO will be trained in (i) science and technology in physics, chemistry, materials science, electrical engineering, applied to solar cells and light emitting diodes (LEDs); (ii) exploitation from laboratory to fabrication; (iii) transferable skills: communication, information technology, planning, teamwork, leadership; (iv) skills for innovation: understanding markets, product life cycles, business models, return on investment.
The ESR for this position will be enrolled in a 3-year PhD programme at the University of Bath. You must be willing to travel around the EU, Switzerland and Israel and undertake 2-3 secondments, each lasting 2 or more months.
You will join Professor Alison Walker's computational physics group at Bath to study structural fluctuations and long-range ion motion in perovskite based devices. The research will develop and adapt a multiscale model for charge and energy transport in single and stacked perovskite cells and LEDs building on an existing suite of codes in the group. The model will help interpret measurements and identify promising perovskites and device architectures for fabrication and will be validated against experimental data. Skills will be gained in predictive modelling, device science, programming, software engineering, high performance computing, and data handling, in an academic setting with close links to groups in Bath and the other Maestro partners. Previous experience in programming is preferred but not essential
Salary: £31,250 p.a. (with pension opt-out)
Mobility Allowance - £8,000 p.a.
Family Allowance (if applicable) - £4.055.70 p.a.
Eligibility criteria
As an applicant, you may be from anywhere in the world, but must not have been resided, or carried out your main activity (work or studies), in the UK for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to recruitment.
Applicants must meet the English language requirements of the University of Bath Doctoral College (currently a minimum IELTS score of 6.5, with at least 6.0 in each of the four components).
Selection process
Interviews are expected to take place on 24 May 2018, at the University of Bath UK, or via Skype, if appropriate.
All documentation is to be uploaded with your PhD application and this must be completed concurrently with this application. Please visit: University of Bath PhD applications website and complete an application for the PhD programme in Physics. It is suggested that you complete the PhD application first, and avoid replicating the documents and information provided in this job application. Please indicate in your PhD application that you have also applied for the ITN Fellowship, upload a CV and supporting statement, or covering letter, detailing your interest in the role.
For further information please email Alison Walker: [email protected]