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MS and PhD Positions in Theoretical and Computa ... (No replies)

7 years ago
gulseren 7 years ago

Applications are invited for MS and PhD student positions in the Computational Nanoscience and Materials Research Group, led by Prof. Oguz Gulseren, of the Department of Physics at Bilkent University. The research areas are theoretical and computational studies of  nanostructures in the perspective of physical properties of graphene and 2D materials, perovskite and titania surfaces for solar cell and surface reaction applications and in general material properties from density functional theory based first principles calculations as well as the understanding the self-assembly, self-organization in dissipative far-from-equilibrium systems and plasmonics from metal nanoparticles. Prospective candidates are expected to be competitive in the areas of electronic structure calculations as well as solid state physics. However, the fellowship is flexible and strong applications fitting any of the group's present interests will be considered. 

Interested candidates are invited to submit their CV, list of publications and the contact information of three references by e-mail to: Prof. Oguz Gulseren  ([email protected]).

For official application to our PhD program, you should submit your application to our graduate Institute:

You can check for the detailed information from the web page of the Graduate School:


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials