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Method Development, Postdoc Position (No replies)
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The Catalysis Modelling Group (CMG), directed by Prof. Notker Roesch, is looking for new talent at the postdoctoral level, to develop computational methods, in particular for sampling the phase space of molecules in confined spaces. Previous research using molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo modeling or computational statistical mechanics is an advantage. Experience with programming is essential.
CMG is part of the A*STAR Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) in Singapore,
The successful candidate
Holds a recent PhD, obtained within the last 5 years, in theoretical physics, theoretical chemistry, theoretical material science, or a related field of science
Has experience with developing computational methods and writing computer programs
Is able to work independently, yet is a good team player
Has good technical writing skills
CMG@IHPC offers
Attractive remuneration
A welcoming, multi-disciplinary environment in the exciting city of Singapore
Work with experts in the field
Some tasks in close contact with leading companies in the field
If you are excited about applying your skills in computational modeling of systems in the condensed phase, we invite you to send a cover letter and your resume to [email protected]. Only applications to this mailbox can be considered. In the cover letter of your application, please explain in detail your specific interests and the experience that qualifies you for this research task.