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Materials Theory Post-doc, CFN Theory Group, Bro ... (No replies)

6 years ago
mshybertsen 6 years ago

Materials Theory Postdoctoral Research Position

Theory & Computation Group

Center for Functional Nanomaterials

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Group Leader: Mark S Hybertsen

Further details in the attached document.

Application through the job portal on-line at

Job ID 1667


The CFN is seeking an exceptional Postdoctoral Research Associate to lead research using theory, computation and deep data analysis methods to unravel key structure motifs in nanostructured materials and the chemical reactions catalyzed by those materials. CFN researchers are actively pursuing projects directed to several examples of catalytic materials with a focus on control of reaction sites at the atomic scale. In this research, you will work on theory or data analytics driven projects and on questions directly tied to experimental data under the supervision of Mark Hybertsen and jointly with other members of the Theory and Computation Group depending on specific project goals. You will also have the opportunity to work closely with CFN staff scientists performing experiments with state-of-the-art in situ and operando facilities based on X-ray absorption, photoemission, transmission electron microscopy, and/or infrared spectroscopy.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials