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MARVEL Master Fellowships for Women in Science ( ... (No replies)

7 years ago
marzari 7 years ago

Dear Psi-k'ers,

the Swiss National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials MARVEL offers every year 10 fellowships for outstanding women at the MSc level (or senior bachelor level for those countries based on a 4-year education) that would like to spend 6 months working at a research project in one of the 22 computational laboratories associated with the Centre.

Each fellowship provides a stipend of CHF 12,000 (split into 6 monthly payments); in addition to the stipend, it also covers separately any tuition fee or medical insurance (e.g. for non-EU participants).

Detailed information can be found at this page; a poster pdf is also available here, and I would be grateful if you could print it/expose/disseminate.

Next deadline(s) are Oct 15 2017 and Apr 15 2018.

Many thanks for your attention,

                               Nicola Marzari, EPFL


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials