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Many-body first principles staff theorist at Oak ... (No replies)

6 years ago
reboredo 6 years ago

We are seeking a Solid State Materials Theorist to focus on the development and application of many-body ab-initio methods to materials.  This position resides in the Physical Sciences Directorate (PSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).   

As part of our research team, you will interact with strong and vibrant materials and chemistry research programs at ORNL. You will be enhancing ORNL theoretical efforts to study highly correlated and quantum materials. You will collaborate closely with the theoretical efforts at ORNL, in particular the first principles Quantum Monte Carlo effort. You will focus on taking full advantage of the existing high performance computers (HPC) facilities at ORNL to understand the electronic, magnetic, optical or chemical properties of complex correlated materials. In addition, you will assist in the interpretation of results of a strong experimental materials and chemistry effort at ORNL.

If you are interested please apply at

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials