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Junior Professorship (W1) in Theoretical Physics ... (No replies)

6 years ago
sheinze 6 years ago

Kiel University has successfully acquired funds for the advancement of excellent scientists from the Federal State Program (Bund-Länder-Programm) and wants to attract more qualified women for professorships.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Kiel University, Germany, invites applications for the following position to be filled as soon as possible:

Junior Professorship (W1) in Theoretical Physics with tenure track

at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics (ITAP) which is initially appointed for 4 years („Beamtenverhältnis auf Zeit”). In case of positive evaluation, the position will be extended by up to 2 additional years. The position includes a tenure-track option that would lead to a permanent W2 professorship after successful evaluation.

The successful candidate must have a recognized expertise in time-dependent density functional theory (DFT) or DFT based molecular dynamics simulations with applications to the electronic structure of solid state surfaces or molecular processes at surfaces which complements the current expertise at ITAP. Experience with many-body physics and collaborations with experimental groups are of advantage. It is expected that the future appointee participates in current and future interdisciplinary research activities in the physics and chemistry departments as well as the research focus “Kiel Nano, Surface and Interfaces Science (KiNSIS)”. Experience in acquiring third-party funding and teaching experience are of advantage. Participation in the theoretical physics education and the capability to teach in German (after 3 years) and English are expected. Teaching duties are based on the latest State Regulations for Universities (LVVO) of the State of Schleswig-Holstein. The teaching load currently is 4 hours per term week in the first four years and 6 hours in the second two years of the appointment after successful evaluation.

The position is opened with respect to Art. 64 of the Higher Education Act of the State of Schleswig-Holstein. General information on the application procedure can be found at For further information on the position and the research unit please contact Prof. Stefan Heinze ([email protected]).

Due to the tenure-track option the position can be turned into a permanent W2 professorship after successful qualification and fulfilling the requirements of Art. 62 of the Higher Education Act of the State of Schleswig-Holstein. At Kiel University there is an additional evaluation process for this purpose which is typically executed during the second period of the W1 professor appointment.

Kiel University wishes to increase the number of female scientists in faculty positions and encourages applications of qualified women. Female applicants will be given priority if their qualifications and achievements are equal to those of male applicants. Applications from scientists with disabilities will be given priority in case of equal qualifications. We explicitly encourage candidates with a migration background to apply. Please refrain from submitting photographs.

Applications should include a curriculum vitae, copies of academic certificates, a list of publications, a list of externally funded projects, information on teaching experience, and a future research strategy. Please provide private and business addresses as well as telephone numbers. The application should be submitted as a single pdf document (smaller than 20 MB) by December 7, 2018 to The Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Kiel University, D-24089 Kiel, Germany, ([email protected]).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials