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Job opening: Research Software Engineer for Mate ... (No replies)
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SCM is a growing and profitable scientific software company in Amsterdam, developing and marketing software in computational (quantum) chemistry and materials science for over 20 years. For further expansion of our activities we now create a job opening with prospect of permanent employment in our core development team for an all-round computer scientist / research software engineer.
Ideal candidates must possess advanced experience in several of the following areas: Python, workflows, databases, high-performance computing (parallel, GPU), high-throughput, advanced scripting, cloud computing, data science and other technical aspects of modern computational atomistic research.
The successful candidate will, together with several other SCM developers and alongside other projects, be involved in the ReaxPro project. ReaxPro is a 4-year and 4.1 million EUR H2020 initiative coordinated by SCM that brings together atomistic, mesoscale and macroscale simulation tools into a platform for multiscale modeling of reactive materials and processes.
Job requirements
Desirable additional knowledge and experience:
What we offer
How to apply
Detailed information on the position, SCM, its software and the ReaxPro project can be found at
Those interested in this position are encouraged to contact us at jobs at scm dot com, tel: +31-20-5987626, for further information.
Job applications can be sent by email to the same address until April 14th, 2019, but preferably sooner.
Applications should contain a CV, a cover letter explaining the motivation for applying and, if applicable, a list of publications or software projects worked on (with own contribution specified).
References and source code may be requested at a later stage. The accompanying email should briefly stress already a few key reasons why you might be the most suitable person for the position.