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Internship (M/F) @ Air Liquide (France) - Electr ... (No replies)
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Air Liquide propose 6 months stage at Paris Innovation Campus @ Les Loges en Josas (Paris region, France) on ab initio simulation on 2D materials for hydrogen applications assets.
The position is for an undergratudated master student (M/F) with possibly a background in solid state physics, quantum mechanics, electronic structure (some knowledge of DFT is welcome). We look for a motivated person wishing to spend 6 months in a industry R&D group, aiming to learn more on DFT modelling applied to material science, developping his/her skills in scientific communication (oral and written) and working/human relations inside a private company environment.
A fellowship is planned (the amount has to be check exactly with RH service). More details in the attached PDF.
Send: CV + motivation letter with the academic parcour to federico.iori @