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International Master of Nanoscience and Nanotech ... (No replies)
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International Master of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for Civil Engineering
Polytech’Lille. University of Lille – Sciences and Technologies.
The field of civil engineering covers two main areas: engineering and materials for civil engineering. This is a rather classical world where innovation remains particularly riveted on major infrastructure. However, increasing urbanization impacts on our resources and environment, which in turn requires innovation at the nanoscale. Increasingly this creates a novel research opportunity in civil engineering and in the future may even become a necessity in order to innovate in individual homes or the environment. Many universities around the world have taken quite recently the step of investing in nanotechnology as applied to civil engineering. However, it remains widely insufficient and at an almost embryonic stage. Thus, the purpose of this Master Degree is to meet these challenges and to allow nanoscience and nanotechnology to meet the insatiable needs of the world of the habitat and the environment, and hence civil engineering.
Main objective:
This Master Degree aims to provide a high-level training in the exciting new field of applications of nano-science and nano-technology to civil engineering. This degree is prepared in an international context, by combining several academic research teams in Europe (France, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Slovak Republic, United Kingdom), the United States and Brazil. The instruction will be provided in English. It is designed to capture the students’ interest in the important developments of nano-science and nano-technology fields, as well as in the applications of these in the research into civil engineering materials (such as cement materials, clays, nano-geo-composites, geo-materials in deep underground, etc..) and the environment (such as underground storage of energy, phase transition of materials, pollution of soil and groundwater, etc..).
More information could be found at:
How to apply : Send CV together with completed attached file and motivation letter first by email to: [email protected]
Then a hard copy of all documents to the following address:
Prof. Ali ZAOUI
LGCgE, Polytech’Lille.
Universite de Lille - Sciences et Technologies
Cite Scientifique, Avenue Paul Langevin.
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq. France.
Deadline for applications: March 30th, 2017
Starting date and place: The final selection will start on April 10th. The master program will start on September 2017. Successful candidates will be informed by email.
The master program will take place in France at the University of Lille Sciences and Technologies/Polytech’Lille.