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Industry-funded PhD studentship at King's C ... (No replies)

2 years ago
mmatta 2 years ago

A 4-year fully funded industrial PhD project on “Software toolkits for in silico screening of polymer excipients in drug formulations” is available in the group of Dr Micaela Matta at King's College London. This is an exciting opportunity to work on a collaborative open source software project for candidates interested polymer science, molecular dynamics and force field development.

The PhD project is based at King’s College London and co-funded by Janssen, who offer a top-up of the student’s salary and research expenses as well as a 3-month internship and training opportunities at their HQ in Beerse, Belgium. The candidate will be working closely with Janssen co-supervisors as part of the Open Force Field initiative (see Project Partners below).

Candidates will have to apply through the London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme (LIDo). The application portal and further info on the graduate program can be found on the LIDo website:

The application deadline is 5pm on Tuesday 10th January 2023.

For informal inquiries, please contact Dr Micaela Matta ([email protected]).

Project Partners
- The London Interdisciplinary Bioscience Consortium is the largest BBSRC funded Doctoral Training Partnership in the UK. The consortium provides students with a unique opportunity to pursue innovative interdisciplinary research projects in the heart of one of the world's most vibrant cities.
- Janssen is a worldwide group of pharmaceutical companies part of Johnson & Johnson, the USA based Healthcare Corporation. Janssen is active across all phases of drug design and development, with a particular focus on data science and digital healthcare.
- The Open Force Field Initiative is a network of academic and industry researchers working together to improve predictive power of computational drug discovery techniques (

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials