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Imperial College Research Associate in Topologic ... (No replies)
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Imperial College Research Associate: Topological wave phenomena – from nanophotonics to elasticity.
We invite applications for a postdoctoral position at Imperial College London to work in the groups of Stefan Maier and Richard Craster (Physics and Mathematics Departments, respectively). We are looking for an enthusiastic individual with a substantial track record in the theory of photonic crystals, metamaterials, phononic crystals, elastic waves in thin plates, or in other wave systems to join our research team. The focus of the position is the development of topologically protected states in classical wave systems with particular emphasis on nanophotonics and elasticity.
The position is available for up to 3 years, starting on 1st June 2017 (there is some flexibility). The opening will close on 2nd May 2017.
For further details please refer to:
Please feel free to contact Dr Paloma Arroyo Huidobro at [email protected] for further information.