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Postdoc: theoretical/computational nanomaterials (1 reply)
Correction: ...obtained no more than five years before the start of the postdoctoral appointment...
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The Center for Computational Materials Science at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral position to develop a theory of the structure and properties of “binary nanocrystal solids” using a combination of density-functional theory and semi-empirical methods. The position is associated with a new research project led by Dr. Steven Erwin and Dr. Alexander Efros.
Nanocrystals of semiconductors, oxides, and metals comprise a distinct class of artificial materials because their electronic, magnetic, and optical properties are strongly controlled by their size and shape. Nanocrystals can be also used as elemental building blocks to create “nanocrystal solids” having long-range crystalline order on a scale that would otherwise require lithography. Compound nanocrystal solids can also be created, such as binary nanocrystal solids, in which two types of nanocrystals differing in size and material composition form an ordered solid. The aim of the research is to elucidate and develop rational design principles that can be used to create new nanocrystal solids with useful properties.
The candidate must hold a Ph.D. in physics, chemistry, computational material sciences, or a related field, obtained no more than three years before the start of the postdoctoral appointment, and must have good programming skills and experience with either density-functional theory calculations or semi-empirical electronic-structure methods.
The position is already funded and will be administered by the National Research Council. The current stipend is $79,720 per year. Only US citizens and Permanent Residents are eligible. Candidates should email their application (curriculum vitae, a short summary of research accomplishments, publication list, and contact information for two or three referees) to [email protected] and [email protected]. Applications will be reviewed immediately.