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Immediate Opening for POSTDOC Position on Compu ... (No replies)
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Posting on behalf of Prof. David Mitlin, Clarkson University, Potsdam NY, USA
I have an immediate opening for a computational postdoc or research associate. The project is DOE-funded basic research on sodium ion storage materials, with my group as the lead. The three-year term collaboration involves a partnering simulation group and a U.S. national laboratory where in-situ experiments will be performed. It is expected that the hired computational staff member will actively publish in top-tier journals, both as the lead and as a collaborator. This position is ideal for a researcher seeking an ultimate faculty position.
There are funds in place already so this person could start as early as November.
Interested individuals should contact me directly at [email protected]. (Prof. David Mitlin)
Contact Detail :
Prof. David Mitlin ( [email protected] )
Professor and General Electric Chair, Clarkson University
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Associate Editor, Sustainable Energy and Fuels - RSC