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HPC Software support scientist for Belgian CECI ... (No replies)
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Dear Psik-ers,
The French-speaking Belgian Universities coordinate their HPC efforts through the CECI consortium (Consortium d'Equipement de Calcul Intensif -
CECI will hire a "logisticien de Recherche" (System Administrator) for a 3 year position, possibly extendable. Both software engineers and physicists/scientists with HPC experience (usage and management) can apply. A detailed description is found at Working knowledge of French is an important asset to interface with University administrations etc... The position will be based at the University of Liège, and collaborate extensively with 5 other institutions.
Inquiries should be sent to Prof. Christophe Geuzaine, Tél.: 04/366.37.30 - E-mail: [email protected]
Please forward to colleagues and students who may be interested!
Matthieu Verstraete