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HPC code developer (No replies)

5 years ago
jussie 5 years ago

CSC - IT Center for Science is offering an exciting position where you can be part of a HPC support team enabling world class science on Finland's new national supercomputers Puhti and Mahti, and the upcoming European pre-exascale system (Lumi) hosted by CSC. The work is focused on code enablement (optimization, porting) for accelerated systems, but also for modern CPU based supercomputers (AMD Rome, Intel Cascade Lake).

As a HPC code developer your main duties and responsibilities include:
• HPC code development: Optimizing and porting codes to Mahti (Rome) and Puhti (Cascade Lake, V100) with a focus on expertise in GPU programming and/or modern programming paradigms
• HPC support: Solving user tickets related to areas of expertise
• User training: Giving training to users, and developing training material

We are looking for a person with MSc or PhD in a field related to computational science or equivalent work experience. We appreciate expertise in programming on clusters and supercomputers (C, C++, Fortran and parallelization methods such as MPI and OpenMP), GPU programming (e.g. Cuda, OpenACC, Thrust) as well as parallel computing methods and algorithms and code optimization, performance analysis and debugging tools.

Strong interest in compute and storage technologies, and a good understanding of the hardware and system level software stack are considered as an advantage. We also value scientific domain expertise in a field which is a heavy user of HPC resources and experience in enabling codes for large supercomputers, and running codes on them.

More information

The official job posting together with the application form can be found at

For more information, please contact development manager Sebastian von Alfthan, Sebastian.von.althan(at), tel. 040 5888 688

Please send your application by 02.09.2019.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials