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High Performance Computing scientist/engineer p ... (No replies)

1 year ago
claudio 1 year ago

We are seeking outstanding candidates for a High Performance Computing support scientist/engineer to be hired by the French CNRS at the "Ingenieur de Recherche" level in Marseilles (France).

His/her mission will be to support the researchers of the Theory and Numerical Simulation" (TSN) department at the "Interdisciplinary Center of Nanoscience of Marseilles" (CINaM) in the use, development and optimization of computational codes in solid state physics and materials science.

We are looking for a physicist or a theoretical chemist with a PhD degree and knowledge in software development and Linux system administration.

More information :

-) Contact Andrés Saul [email protected]

-) CINaM web page :

-) The CNRS job's web page (in french) :  

-) The CNRS guide explaining the hiring conditions and process (in french) :

-) The dates and deadlines for the 2023 hiring process is not known yet. Those for last year can be found under "Calendriers et jurys" (in french) on this page :

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials