Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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GUI developer for electronic structure codes (No replies)
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SIMUNE Atomistics S.L. is a company developing software and selling services which harness the first-principle atomistic simulations (molecules, solids, surfaces, interfaces, chemical reactions etc).
We are looking for a developer with a strong knowledge of PyQT to accelerate the development of GUI to the electronic structure codes such as SIESTA, ASE, Abinit, and others.
A successful candidate will be versed in:
- Object-oriented programming
- Design of modern GUIs
- PyQT5 framework
- Major OS Windows, Linux, and MacOS
- Software security
- 3D graphics (is a great asset)
- English language (advanced level is an asset)
- Internet technologies (is an asset)
- Databases (is an asset)
- Computer clusters for scientific computing (is an asset)
- First-principle simulations (is an asset)
The primary occupation of the developer will be a practical design and implementation of GUI for a bunch of sophisticated simulations. Personal interest in learning the intrinsic of the underlying simulations is an asset although no experience in such simulations is required. The GUI developer will be in close contact with the rest of the SIMUNE's team on a daily basis. The goal of the development is to refactor existing GUI making the addition of modules accessible to the rest of the SIMUNE's team.
How to Apply
Motivated candidates are welcome to contact us and send their CV through our web page,