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Group Leader Position in Computational Materials ... (No replies)
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The Institute for General Material Properties of the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) is inviting applications for a group leader in the area of Computational Materials Science. The Materials Modeling Group conducts research into the elementary defects of the crystalline lattice and on how their organization and interaction influence the mechanical properties and failure of metallic materials.
The successful candidate will hold a PhD degree, preferably in Materials Science, Physics, or Mechanical Engineering, and have a solid background in physical metallurgy and mechanical behavior of materials. A proven track record in the study of crystal defects using electronic structure calculations, atomistic or mesoscale simulation methods is required. Furthermore, experience in scientific high-performance computing and software development is necessary. Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and ideally also German, and the ability to work well in a dynamic and collaborative research environment are essential.
The position involves devising project proposals, taking part in collaborative research projects, advising students, and participating in the overall institute and university administration. The successful applicant will also teach graduate level Materials Science classes (in English and German). The group leader will be given the possibility to pursue a post-doctoral degree (Habiliation).
The position is available for three years with the possibility of an extension for an additional 3 years. Remuneration will depend on experience.
Applicants are asked to submit their curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a concise summary of current and proposed research activities, and names and contact information of two references to:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erik Bitzek
[email protected]