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Funded PhD Graduate Students at the University o ... (No replies)

Carmen Lilley
2 years ago
Carmen Lilley 2 years ago

Recruiting PhD graduate students for funded positions in the Lilley Research Group for Fall 2023 at the University of Illinois Chicago in the Mechanical Engineering PhD program

Applicants are encouraged to complete their applications by December 15th for full consideration and to receive an application fee waiver.

PhD students with the following skills are sought:

  • Experience with programming, in particular python (packages such as Numpy, Pandas, PyTorch, Matplotlib).
  • Basic knowledge in machine learning and programming frameworks (PyTorch) is appreciated but not required.
  • Knowledge of basic Linux shell commands and PBS commands for submitting parallel computing jobs is appreciated.
  • Knowledge or willingness to learn basic solid-state physics and quantum mechanics.
  • Experience in performing density functional theory (using VASP or Quantum Espresso, etc) or molecular dynamics (LAMMPS or other tools) simulations is highly appreciated but not required.
  • The funding periods vary based on academic preparation, e.g. prior attainment of an MS vs Direct PhD, with an average range from 4-5 years. PhD students are guaranteed a funded appointment for fall and spring that includes a stipend, full tuition waiver, and partial fees waiver. Students are also eligible for summer support. Students must remain in good academic standing and successfully perform the duties for their research and assistantships. Details of funding commitments will be in your offer letter.

The Lilley research group focuses on materials engineering of low dimensional materials from 0D to 2D. PhD students are sought for computational research leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Density Functional Theory for defect design of lateral heterostructures. Please send a cover letter describing how you meet the qualifications and research interests along with a CV to Prof. Carmen Lilley via email at [email protected] to be considered for this opportunity. Please use the subject: PhD position for Fall 2023

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials