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Fully funded PhD studentship, University of Stra ... (No replies)
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Computational design of carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites
Carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites are used in a wide variety of applications that take advantage of their mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties e.g. 'light weighting' aircraft and automobiles to reduce their energy consumption and emissions. There are further outstanding opportunities for carbon fibre composites in a range of high performance advanced materials, but to realise them will require technology advancement that will be enabled by this project.
This project will use computer simulations to understand how the interaction between carbon fibres and polymer can influence the properties of the resulting composite. The scope for investigation ranges from thermoset polymers, where polymerisation takes place in the proximity of fibre, to thermoplastic polymers where polymer is synthesised prior to impregnating fibre. As well as enabling the optimisation of the performance properties of composites, the aim of the project is to provide direction on how to engineer fibre surfaces and polymers for high performance advanced materials.
This project is an industrial collaboration with the Strategic Research and Innovation group of Solvay Composites, UK.
The supervisors will be Dr. Karen Johnston and Dr. Paul Mulheran in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering (CPE) in the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. CPE is committed to equal opportunities and endeavours to create an environment where students and staff are treated fairly. We hold a Bronze Athena SWAN award for our efforts to tackle gender inequality. The University of Strathclyde is situated in Glasgow city centre. Glasgow is a vibrant and friendly city with a wide range of cultural events and activities.
Qualifications and Eligibility
Please note that, due to the current funding source, only UK and EU citizens are eligible for this studentship. The studentship covers UK/EU tuition fees and an annual stipend of over £14500 (tax free). The start date of this 3-year studentship will be 1st October 2018. Applicants must have the equivalent of a first or upper second class honours degree in chemical engineering, physics, chemistry or a related subject. Experience in a UNIX/Linux environment, and with molecular dynamics simulations is desirable, although not essential.
Interested applicants should apply online:
The position will be filled as soon as an appropriate candidate is found. Informal enquiries can be sent by email to [email protected].