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Fully funded PhD Positions within new HetSys Cen ... (No replies)

James Kermode
6 years ago
James Kermode 6 years ago

HetSys is an entirely new EPSRC-supported Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) which will train people to challenge current state-of-the-art in computational modelling of heterogeneous, real-world systems across a range of research themes such as nanoscale devices, new catalysts, superalloys, smart fluids, laser-plasma interactions etc.

The HetSys team are recruiting a cohort of enthusiastic students from across the physical sciences who enjoy using their mathematical skills and thinking flexibly to solve complex problems to join our new EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Modelling of Heterogeneous Systems at the University of Warwick, UK.

HetSys is built around a closely knit, highly collaborative team of academics from five science departments (Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics and the Warwick Manufacturing Group) at Warwick with a strong track record in leading large projects. With its project partners HetSys will develop talented, energetic PhD students to push boundaries in this exciting field. The students will therefore inspire new ideas, approaches and innovation and become future leaders in developing new technologies.

The first HetSys Open Day will be held on the afternoon of Wed 20th Feb on campus at Warwick, registration is now open via

Full funding is available for UK/EU candidates and 1-2 outstanding international candidates. Please pass this message on to potentially interested candidates. For more details of the HetSys training programme, our current PhD Projects or to register for the open day see the HetSys webpage at or contact us by emailing [email protected].


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials