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Fully funded PhD position in electronic material ... (No replies)

2 years ago
KarolinaMilowska 2 years ago

We are excited to offer a fully funded PhD position in the field of electronic materials at the modern materials research center - CEZAMAT based at the top technical university of Poland - Warsaw University of Technology. This opportunity is part of the PRELUDIUM-BIS-4 project "Development of new scalable methods of the production of acid-free liquid crystals for use in the production of fibers and printed pathways from carbon nanotubes - an experimental and simulation approach" supported by the National Science Center.

We are looking for an individual who is enthusiastic about the use of both experimental and theoretical/modelling techniques to develop scalable methods of manufacture of acid-free liquid crystals, which will be further used for spinning CNT fibers. The project is focused on formation of highly conductive CNT fibers and improving the performance of less conductive but inexpensive and highly versatile printed CNT conductors.

The ideal candidate should have an experience in either experimental or modelling based research for example performed during Masters project and basic understanding of solid state physics concepts. The candidate need to hold the MSc. or equivalent degree in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Engineering or related fields. Good communication, analytical and problem-solving skills as well as self-driven approach to learning are required. Proficiency in English is essential. Publications or scientific conference presentations and proficiency in Polish (at least B2 level) will be additional assets.

The project will be supervised by Agnieszka Łękawa-Raus, PhD, DSc Eng. from Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (experimental part) and Dr Karolina Milowska from CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastián, Spain. (theoretical part).

The duration of the scholarship is 48 months from October 1, 2023. The scholarship will be implemented at the CEZAMAT, WUT, Poland in the form of a hybrid work. It includes a mandatory 6-month (fully funded) internship at CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastián, Spain. The scholarship for the first 2 years is PLN 5,000/month, and after the mid-term evaluation, for the next 2 years PLN 6,000 + full coverage of research and conference costs.

The Centre for Advanced Materials and Technology (CEZAMAT) is one of the largest R&D investment projects in high technology in Poland. The project, co-financed by the European Union, established a network of five laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and the necessary infrastructure. The Centre’s laboratories conduct research and development work on new technologies with commercial potential that will help develop Poland’s and Europe's economy and economic success.

More information can be found at:

If you are interested in applying, please send an email to [email protected] with your CV containing a statement of consent to the processing of personal data and a cover letter by June 15, 2023.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials