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Full professor position at Nice (No replies)

7 years ago
(unknown) 7 years ago

The new Institute of Physics of Nice(, which includes the former INLN and the former LPMC, is opening a new Full Professor position.

The profile is very general.


The person recruited must participate actively in one of the INPHYNI research activities or develop a new research project of interest to the laboratory, focusing on the following themes: optics and photonics, quantum physics, fluids and materials, mesoscopic physics, out-equilibrium physics, biophysics, theoretical physics ...

The research activity of the recruited person should favour the development of the laboratory by stimulating or strengthening the themes of the laboratory.


The candidate will teach in the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Science. He will teach general physics courses in the three years of the license as well as master courses in the "Physics and Applications" or "Materials" courses. The candidate will have to invest in the life of the Department of Physics and related training.

Knowledge of French language is required.

For more information, please contact
[email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials