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Full Professor in Theory of Materials and Energy ... (No replies)

8 years ago
wjyin 8 years ago

Soochow Institute of Energy and Materials InnovationS (SIEMIS) at Soochow University invites application in the Department of Theory and Computational Science with level of Full Professor. The successful candidate will establish his/her own research group.

The exceptional candidates may have research interests in any area of theory and computation of materials and energy, but preference may be given to those with complementary expertise to existing academic staff in this area and who can demonstrate their ability to collaborate with academic staff in the same and other areas.

Applicants should hold a PhD in the physics, chemistry, or materials, as well as substantial, relevant postdoctoral experience. The appointee will have (or have demonstrated the potential to develop) an international standing, an outstanding publication record, an established record of raising research funding and experience of teaching undergraduate students.

The university will provide competitive package, including salary, bonus and housing compensation. 

Interested candidates should submit their CVs, including full list of publications, and three recommendation letters by email to[email protected] and [email protected]

Soochow University is located in the ancient town of Suzhou, also called "Paradise on Earth". It has one of the most beautiful campus in China, grown from the former Soochow University founded in 1900. As one of the fastest developing universities in China, Soochow University has many opportunities opening and received a very positive reputation both at home and abroad.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials