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Four PhD fellowships – Theoretical Chemistry � ... (No replies)
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Four PhD fellowships are available within the network AutoCheMo, an EU-funded European Industrial Doctorate network coordinated by SCM, a scientific software company located in Amsterdam, developing software packages in the area of theoretical quantum chemistry and materials science, in collaboration with the Center for Molecular Modeling at Ghent University (T. Verstraelen) and the chair of Technical Thermodynamics (K. Leonhard) at RWTH Aachen University.
Full details (including salary conditions) are available at
This Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN action provides generous funding for four Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) with good salary and travel/mobility/family allowances. We’re looking for four outstanding postgraduates typically within 4 years of their MSc (see eligibility conditions below).
The successful candidates will be involved in the development of new concepts and tools to advance the field of complex reaction systems modelling, and in particular in the automatic derivation of complex chemical models from molecular simulations, which has the potential to become a very cost-effective tool in the design of industrial chemical reactors. This has driven the enormous progress in the field over the past decades but the exploration of complex reaction networks currently still requires an extensive (and sometimes unfeasible) amount of manual labor. AutoCheMo will surmount these manual bottlenecks by extending established methodologies (ChemTraYzer, ReaxFF and transition state theory) and by addressing their main limitations (scaling towards extended systems, overall reliability and the quantum-mechanical description of anharmonic modes, respectively) with new theoretical models and their corresponding implementations in user-friendly simulation software.
What we offer
The PhD fellowships will consist of an initial 3-year full-time position, with a possible extension. The earliest start date is September 2018, though a later start is definitely possible. Salary conditions, travel/mobility allowances, and benefits will follow the attractive EU amounts for Early-Stage Researchers in the H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018 call. In addition, the EU provides funding for training and transfer of knowledge expenses to the institutes.
We especially invite women to apply. Mobility rules apply. In principle, applicants can have any nationality and any current residence (although immigration rules apply, favoring EU applicants). Candidates who already have more than 4 years (full-time equivalent) of research experience after obtaining their MSc degree or who have already been awarded a PhD degree are not eligible (“Full-Time Equivalent Research Experience is measured from the date when a researcher obtained the degree which would formally entitle him/her to embark on a doctorate, either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the researcher is recruited or seconded, irrespective of whether or not a doctorate is or was ever envisaged”).
Further information, applying
Those interested in this position are encouraged to contact project partners for further information:
Job applications can be sent by email to the same addresses (all three of them) until 16 August, but preferably sooner. The recruitment procedure will continue until all positions are filled, so applications after the deadline may also still be considered. Applications should contain a CV, data to support that you are an excellent young scientist, a letter explaining the detailed motivation for applying, a list of publications, and last but not least a clear and complete summary of your programming and method development experience (as opposed to using standard existing software). References may be requested at a later stage.