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Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI ... (No replies)
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The newly launched Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI; is looking for postdoctoral researchers and research fellows interested in tackling challenges in machine learning and in creating artificial intelligence that is data-efficient, trustworthy, and understandable.
FCAI research programs and highlights span a wide range of topics from simulator-based inference, via deep learning to AI-driven design of materials. More information on the topics can be found here:
FCAI is built on the long tradition of pioneering machine learning research in Helsinki. It was recently selected as one of the first ELLIS (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems) units that assemble European top talent in machine learning. With a total budget of €250M over the next 8 years, FCAI is opening a range of research positions for academics and ICT professionals at different levels of their careers.
The deadline for applications is January 27th, 2020. Please see for more information.