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FindYourPhD Event for Female PhD Candidates (No replies)
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The Research Training Group (GRK2455) “Benchmark Experiments for Numerical Quantum Chemistry” (BENCh) at the University of Göttingen is happy to announce this year’s FindYourPhD-event on November 1st and 2nd. This event gives female scientists the opportunity to learn more about the BENCh research program bridging theory and experiment on site.
If you are interested in working on your PhD in an international environment on an interdisciplinary topic of research and learn more about molecular simulations and data science we are happy to welcome you in Göttingen.
The event is open to all female applications with a M.Sc. degree in Chemistry, Physics or equivalent. You can apply by sending your CV and a motivation letter to [email protected]. The application deadline is August 22nd, 2019. Accommodation and travel costs will be covered. For more information please visit the website at