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Faraday Undergraduate Summer Experience (FUSE) p ... (No replies)

3 months ago
hbanerjee_cam 3 months ago

Apply for a paid Faraday Undergraduate Summer Experience (FUSE) internship to work with Dr. Hrishit Banerjee in collaboration with Prof. Dame Clare P Grey and Prof. Andrew J Morris at the University of Cambridge (hybrid working) using state-of-the-art theoretical physics methods to study Degradation mechanisms in Li-ion olivine cathodes.

Project title
Investigating Degradation in Olivine Cathodes for Li ion batteries

Project description
Olivine cathodes for Li ion Batteries are extremely popular for being low-cost alternative to LCO and NMC cathodes which contain expensive elements like Ni and Co. LiFePO4 (LFP) cathodes have been widely used for EVs, however it has low capacity and flat voltage profile. Improvements have been made to LFPs by doping with Mn and forming LMFPs (LiMnxFe1-xPO4) which improve upon the capacity and voltage profile of LFPs, however have issues in terms of sluggish ionic kinetics potentially due to formation of polarons. In this project we explore the formation of polarons and their effect using Density Functional Theory calculations explicitly taking into account electronphonon interactions. The Zacharias-Giustino method of calculating e-phn interactions as
implemented in VASP would be employed. This will be linked back to experimental insights on effect of polarons on ionic conductivity, scattering rates, polaron weights, particularly to experiments done within the Faraday Institution.

Learning objectives

1. Introduction to Density Functional theory (DFT) calculations and using Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) 

2. Basic ideas of electron-phonon interactions and calculations

3. Basic ideas about Li ion batteries, how they work, what are the challenges, and the state-of-the-

art methods relating to battery research in general.

Here is the full job advert: 

Apply at this link and to work in the theory project choose it as first preference:

Application deadline: 23.59 on 8 April 2024

For informal queries write to Dr. Hrishit Banerjee at [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials