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Faculty Position in Data Science at SISSA (No replies)

7 years ago
degironc 7 years ago

The International School for Advanced Studies ( in Trieste, Italy, invites expressions of interest for a faculty position from candidates demonstrating an outstanding line of research in basic science approached through innovative methodologies related to the field of Data Science.

While the appointment procedure is expected to be at the assistant professor, tenure-track, level*, a more senior position may be considered to match the candidate’s experience.

The successful candidate will work as an independent principal investigator, leading activity in natural sciences utilizing and developing methodologies in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Bayesian Inference, and will have the opportunity to form connections to the current expertise of the SISSA groups dealing with Big Data in Physics, Mathematics, Neuroscience. He/she will join the SISSA PhD teaching programme and supervise graduate students.

The deadline for receipt of the expressions of interest, in English and only via Academic Jobs

Online (position 9417)  is September 30th, 2017. They should include:

  • Curriculum Vitae with a complete publication list and the names of at least three referees.
  • Description of current research interests.
  • List of ten publications of greatest interest for the selection.

SISSA is a leading international research institution offering PhD and PostDoctoral Training. It is in favor of gender balance and diverse academic environment. It is located on the beautiful coast of the Adriatic Sea. It offers first rate facilities including High Performance Computing and has close relations with the other scientific institutions in the area, which include: The University of Trieste, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), The National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), The Astronomical Observatory of Trieste (OATs), The International Center for Genetic Engineering ad Biotechnology (ICGEB), The "Elettra" synchrotron facility.

All of SISSA activities are held in English. More information about the school and the research groups can be found at:

*In the Italian system, a tenure track position corresponds to a “ricercatore TD – B”, i.e. an assistant professor to be selected as an associate professor within three years after appointment.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials