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Faculty position in Chemistry of Biomolecular Sy ... (No replies)

3 years ago
mbartels 3 years ago

full text: 

The Van ’t Hoff institute for Molecular Sciences invites applications for a MacGillavry-type faculty position in Biomolecular Chemistry, starting at the level of assistant or associate professor. The MacGillavry programme aims to increase the number of female scientific staff in the Faculty of Science. It offers a tenure-track position with the ultimate goal to a full professorship in a top European research university. You can only apply if you are a female applicant.

The new position is funded by the Connecting Science programme of the UvA's Faculty of Science. A major recruitment campaign to attract top talent from all over the world to a large number of newly created faculty positions in a wide range of exciting scientific directions

What are you going to do?

Chemistry of Biomolecular Systems is one of the three overarching research topics of our institute where chemists make and understand bioinspired, biological and prebiotic molecular systems and processes, e.g. using biocatalysts to make highly specific molecules, by developing the models to understand and predict biochemical processes, or by designing bioactive molecules and biomaterials.

For the current position we are looking for a molecular scientist in the broad field of Chemistry of Biomolecular Systems. Examples of fields that fit our institute include - but are not limited to - bio(-inspired) catalysis, biomaterial- and biomolecular design, computational, multiscale modeling, data science and AI approaches for biomolecular systems, biophysical chemistry and proteomics. Potential collaborations are foreseen with the Synthesis & Catalysis groups, and the Computational Chemistry groups at HIMS, as well as with the Life Science institute.

What do we expect?

As faculty member at HIMS we expect you to:

  • be(come) a renowned scientist, resulting in acquisition of (personal) research grants, high impact publications and invited lectures;
  • actively participate in the chemistry related education programmes;
  • increase the visibility and impact of your research by initiating and joining in (inter)national public, private as well as academic research programmes;
  • promote the societal relevance of your research and contribute to outreach activities;
  • contribute to the organisation of the institute, for example by participating in work groups and committees, in the domains of teaching, research and management;
  • become a role model in your field.

You will be selected on your scientific track record and on your vision for future research, as well as on your teaching achievements, qualifications, and vision for future teaching.

We encourage you to apply if you have:

  • a strong background, experience, skills and expertise in Chemistry of Biomolecular Systems research on PhD level, as evidenced by a track record of publications in renowned journals, and contributed and/or invited talks at international conferences/workshops;
  • a good track record in teaching and (co)supervision of BSc, MSc and/or PhD students, appropriate to your career stage;
  • cross-cultural sensitivity;
  • demonstrable organisational talent;

and you are:

  • a team player with good communication skills in English;
  • eager to acquire substantial research grants from external sources;
  • willing to obtain a University Teaching Qualification (Dutch: BKO) within three years;
  • able to speak Dutch or are motivated to learn to speak it within five years.

Our offer

At the starting level of Assistant Professor we offer you a temporary employment contract for 38 hours per week (full time) with a tenure track agreement for the duration of five years (which is part of a six-year temporary contract). Following a positive assessment after five years the appointment will become permanent, at the level of Associate Professor.

We are also happy to consider applications from women with a more senior profile than that of assistant professor. At the starting level of Associate Professor we offer you a temporary contract for two years. A permanent contract subsequently follows if we assess your performance positive.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials