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EPFL/PSI opening: Head of the Laboratory for Sci ... (No replies)

6 years ago
marzari 6 years ago

Dear Psi-k'ers,

a reminder that there is an opening for a position, joint between the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne ( and the Paul Scherrer Institute (, as Head of the Laboratory for Scientific Computing and Modelling at PSI and Professor of Computational Science and Engineering at EPFL.

The full text of the search can be found at The deadline for application is May 17 2019.

Key excerpts are provided below.

This is a major, strategic opportunity to contribute to the very healthy landscape of theory, modelling and simulation, data, and computing in Switzerland, and I would be grateful if you could distribute this widely to any interested party - it's a completely open search across all the relevant domains mentioned.

I would be grateful if you could distribute this to any interested party.

Many thanks for your attention,

                                     nicola marzari


The person in charge will provide vision and strategic leadership in establishing LSM as PSI’s central theoretical and computational science and support unit for the simulation, design, and interpretation of experiments conducted at the institute’s large-scale facilities. These include the Swiss Light Source (SLS), the Swiss Spallation Neutron Source (SINQ), the Swiss Muon Source (SmS) and the Swiss Free Electron Laser (SwissFEL), [...together...] with scientific guidance for the analysis of the vast amount of data produced at these facilities, [...and directing...] the energy research performed at LSM, with its specific focus on predictive multiscale simulations of complex energy conversion and storage systems, as well as the accompanying uncertainty and sensitivity quantification methods. LSM operates local HPC infrastructure, and has close connections to the Swiss HPC center CSCS.

As Professor for Computational Science and Engineering [at EPFL], you will provide strong academic leadership in computational mathematics and simulation/data sciences with an emphasis on physics and engineering applications, and foster cooperation with other units at EPFL working in data sciences and high-performance computing.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials