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Engineer on scientific computing, big data, arti ... (No replies)

Alejandro A. Franco
6 years ago


We are looking for an excellent engineer to ensure in our laboratory the following missions:

- set up and optimize an infrastructure for storing and exchanging data from scientific calculations and experimental characterizations, linking local scientific calculation computers, computing clusters and existing acquisition computers in the laboratory;

- set up a standardized data format and perform statistical analysis of these data and forecasting using machine and deep learning methods;

- contribute to the maintenance and monitoring of the laboratory's computer security.


The activities will concern the implementation and optimization of computer programs managing the automatic storage and exchange of intensive scientific computing data and experimental characterizations, as well as their statistical analysis by artificial intelligence-type approaches. The engineer will participate in project and thematic meetings of the laboratory and may contribute to scientific and patent publications. The candidate will also contribute to the maintenance and monitoring of the laboratory's computer security.

Requested skills:

Computational science, programming, data processing, optimization algorithms, machine and deep learning, software engineering.


The work will take place in the Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides (UMR CNRS 7314), located in the Energy HUB (University of Picardy Jules Verne, Amiens, France). In particular, the engineer will act as a strong technical support in a project funded by the European Research Council ("ARTISTIC") using intensive computing and artificial intelligence to predict the influence of manufacturing parameters on the electrochemical performance of lithium ion battery cells (

Selection process

Interested candidates, please send your CV, highlighting your experience, and motivation letter to Prof. Alejandro A. Franco ([email protected]). Applications will be considered until the position is filled. Position will start in April 2019.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials