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EDGE postdoctoral fellowships in Ireland (No replies)
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The 3rd EDGE call for postdoctoral fellowships is now open with the deadline of November 1, 2018. The Fellowships are for postdoctoral candidates wishing to relocate to Ireland, establish a more permanent base here or return after working overseas. Therefore, at the time of recruitment defined for the call (from 31st January 2019), researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Ireland for more than 12 months in the previous 3 years. Each Fellowship on Call 3 is 24 months.
The deadline for 3rd call applicants is 1st November 2018, 23:59h. More details about the EGDE fellowships can be found at:
Applicants wishing to conduct research in the area of thermoelectric materials modelling can contact Dr. Ivana Savic (, Dr. Savic is particularly interested in working with EDGE fellows in the following areas:
-Simulation and design of materials for thermoelectric energy harvesting
-Development of predictive computational tools to simulate thermoelectric properties of bulk and nanostructured materials
-Development of machine-learning algorithms to enable predictive simulations of complex thermoelectric materials
Interested applicants should send their CV and motivation letter that will include a brief outline of their proposed research to Dr. Savic ([email protected]).