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EDF Energy Lectureship in Materials Modelling (No replies)

8 years ago
ewels 8 years ago

Loughborough University - Department of Chemistry, UK

EDF Energy Ltd owns and runs the fleet of Advanced Gas-cooled Reactors that generate one seventh of the electricity for the UK.

These reactors depend on irreplaceable graphite components to maintain the structure and neutron moderation of the reactors. Sustaining this vital contribution requires a scientific and engineering effort into graphite that satisfies the UK's rigorous nuclear regulatory requirements.

This post is unique in exploiting computational chemistry on the atomic scale to inform engineering models of reactor components. Issues of interest are the radiation induced creep and radiolytic oxidation. Opportunities exist for international collaboration and for synergistic studies in nanoscale carbons (graphene, nanotubes).

The appointee will work with Professor Heggie to deliver the agreed programme of graphite research. The wider graphite team at Loughborough includes Dr Houzheng Wu, Professor Roger Smith, one postdoctoral fellow and a PhD student.

The successful applicant will be expected to dedicate a significant proportion of their time (75%) to supporting this project with EDF Energy. Teaching and administrative duties will be reduced below those of a normal lectureship, although the post holder will be expected to achieve Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy and deliver research grant applications in addition to the needs of the EDF Energy project.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials